helping - a superpower (”PoMOC SuperMOC”)
"PoMOC SuperMOC" is an innovative project based on learning through experience, allowing its participants to test themselves in new roles and situations. The aim of the project is to develop young people's social skills and encourage young people to help each other. As part of the project, young people will take part in workshops where they will learn how to cooperate with others, communicate better, listen to others and help them. She will also have the opportunity to come up with a collaborative activity that will draw the attention of others to their problems or allow them to develop their talents. We invite young people aged 13-15 to participate in the project.
Participation in the project is ABSOLUTELY FREE. The project is financed by the Active Citizens Fund. The project is implemented by the Beautiful Angels Association.
Participation in the project is ABSOLUTELY FREE. The project is financed by the Active Citizens Fund. The project is implemented by the Beautiful Angels Association.
We can accept 40 people from the Kocmyrzów commune and 40 people from the Skała commune for the project.
Number of seats and roles
In each commune, we invite 20 people who would like to talk to them, find someone who will listen to them and 20 Change Leaders who would like to learn how to cooperate better and listen to others. All participants will come up with and implement their own social project together.
Activities in the project
4 trainings during which young people will learn:
how to collaborate with others
how to be a CHANGE LEADER
how to listen to others so that they would like to open up
how to help others based on peer coaching
how to motivate yourself and others
Young people will learn actively through games and interactive activities.
Motivational and supportive conversations
Each change leader will have supportive talks. Participants will serve each other as a support and help in motivating learning and achieving set goals.
Project work and local meetings - young people will implement the project they have invented. The whole group will be invited to the "We design a change" workshop, during which young people will come up with a project they would like to implement together.
Examples of activities:
young people from primary school 155 decided to make a film about the problems they face in their surroundings, incl. consumerism, focus on appearance, pressure on results. The film was made with the help of a professional film crew. Young people took an active part in every stage of work on the film: they are the authors of the script, the concept of the photos, they shot some of the shots themselves and, of course, showed their acting talents.
young people from the school in Łuczyce decided to renovate the school corridor. The youth was the author of the project on which they collaborated with an interior designer, and then carried out some of the renovation works themselves.
Stowarzysznie Piękne Anioły (Beautiful Angels Association)
phone: +48 512 498 848